Our Learning

2012 - Present | The Praxis of our Education

Our Newest work is published on Substack.


The videos below explain something of why, how, and what we are learning to create a future we want. Videos include bits and pieces of our education practices, philosophy, theory, activities, outcomes, vision, values, principles and beliefs.


Introducing the Our Learning Series

Let’s Chat.


Learning With Life.

Snakes, geckos, and alligators, Oh My! Just kidding… no geckos.


Why Organic?


Some of what we are learning first…


An Evolutionary Perspective Underpins Our Education.

It pops up just about everywhere and we find it to be critical in the evolution of our understanding of the world we have made and the potential to create one we want.


Learning Feels Super Weird!

We Gotta Learn to Love it!


Why Are We Learning?

For The Well Being of All Life


What’s A Mistake?

We Need to Make Them To Find Out!


When You Are Stuck, Don’t Stare. Maybe Sleep Instead.

Or take a walk. Or start up a conversation with someone nearby. Or take a nap. I like naps.


The Simple Rules of Inquiry and Tennis


Humility in our search for resolutions to the most vexxing challenges. Not Even Gnomes have all of the answers.


No matter what we are working on, we work on some of the same things, capabilities applicable to all of our learning


Are the Arts dissappearing? Are they maturing? Are we immaturing? THe world we have built makes it tough for us to sense much of what is likely most significant and worthy (of our attention). Problematic?


Wow, I didn’t even know that I’d never learned (or been taught) to have a meaningful conversation. But conversation is natural, right? We don’t need to learn how to do that kind of thing, right? Right?


What would that kind of Conversation look like?

Might have to start trying it on for size to figure out if its fit for the journey.


Oh Sheesh! I had to memorize it and now I have to understand it?! Come on! Seriously. Can anybody just look at the sunset please.


Not likely Science Fiction is useful if both science and Fiction are just fiction to so many. But…fiction…hmm, maybe that’ll come in handy for designing fit for purpose visions of futures we want.


My girls aren’t yet investing in their retirement funds…or, by attending to our well being, are they more than I ever have?


Who is a gifted student? I was certainly not given this label. That didn’t stop my mom from making her own and pasting it on my forehead.


Like everyone else, I’ve got some challenges. That hurts my performance in some ways. But perhaps illness augments performance it in other ways. Seems like waiting for someone to give me the answer to this question for me may cause worse harm than the illness.


There’s a lot more that goes into your potential for significant impact, good or bad, than how many people you are.


Once I get past stimulation of my suprachiasmatic nerve, yoga, pretend swordfighting, meditation, prayer, espressi, garden tour and hugging the people closest to me, I might wonder what should be my top concern for the day. Turns out I have a lot of options.


Once I get past not wanting to get up, knowing that I should not have gotten up, counting the getting up process as a yoga session, closing my eyes while brushing my teeth to check the meditation box, preparing myself to be rude to any unfortunate lifeforms close to me and then feel guilty about it, sitting down to write and again proving to myself that I stink, regretting that I forgot to do the thing I absolutely had to remember to do because I promised…because I can learn the most about slelf torture on these sorts of days and at least something good must come from all this… I wonder what should be my top concern for the day. Turns out I have a lot of options.


Go slow to go fast or go fast to go slow? Strike while the iron is hot? Low and slow? Reduce reduce reduce? Blitzscale? Simplicity on which side of complexity? Visionary or Skeptic? Fail fast? Break things? All things equal, preferring to succeed? Creating the adjacent possible or wait for it to be revealed? Wisdom.










Missing the Fruit for the Ladder