The Art of Digging

Ancient | Meditation & Art

I dig holes regularly. Some because I need them. Others because I don’t. Either way, the process of digging, and the praxes that emerge, always surface in a novel emptiness that fills me up.


Getting Started With The Art of Digging Holes Series. Lots more to come.


Why Dig A Holes? There are a lot of questions that can come up while digging a hole. Some need answers, some don’t.


Why Dig the Same Hole Over And Over? Bored, need exercise, lost a bet, want to see if what was down there is still down there? All excellent reasons.


Do what’s necessary or do what’s possible?


Making space for life…


Have I been coerced into digging a hole?


Digging for deep praxis


Dig a hole to see the whole.

Come on, you saw that coming from a mile away.


Four Truths…maybe five.


My preferred tool as a pragmatic truth


Dig a hole to see the whole.

Come on, you saw that coming from a mile away.




Bound Home


The River Cube Project